Nikon Europa har lanceret deres egen blog - I AM NIKON BLOG, hvor de vil blogge om alt vedrørende Nikon, tale om nye produkter, videregive tips fra professionelle fotografer og på anden måde forsøge at inspirere os.
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This is the I AM NIKON blog and we’re going to be bringing you all the latest news and views from Nikon Europe. Here you’ll get the inside-track on everything Nikon-related – from first looks at our products and top tips from pro photographers, to images taken with our cameras that we hope will inspire you.
The blog is for everyone who loves photography. Whether you’re a serious amateur, a photography aficionado or you’re just finding your feet with your first D-SLR, we want the I AM NIKON blog to be essential reading for you.
There’s a group of us here at Nikon who are going to be writing the I AM NIKON blog and our aim is to keep you up-to-date with the very latest Nikon Europe news.
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